About Us

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About Danielpride: Your Trusted Source for Information

Danielpride is an online media platform with a vision of being the “Trusted Information Media.” Our mission is to provide the latest information on technology, gadgets, smartphones, social media, computers, and various other topics, gathered from reliable and accountable sources.

Comprising competent Editors, Contributors, and Reviewers, the Danielpride team brings together expertise in their respective fields, boasting over 2 years of experience in the world of technology and information.

At present, Danielpride operates from a Home Office, with the following details:

Info Press Release: [email protected]

We are committed to delivering accurate and up-to-date information to our readers. Your trust is our priority, and we continuously strive to uphold the standards of reliable journalism in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and information.

Thank you for being a part of the Danielpride community. If you have any inquiries or press releases, feel free to reach out to us at the provided email address :

Ciawi Prapatan No 370
Kelurahan Harjasari, Kecamatan Bogor Selatan
Kota Bogor. Jawa Barat.

Info Press Release : [email protected]